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Install Windows 7 GUIDE
Posted on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 by Lyndria
Here is the guide i compile from several sites to install windows 7. this is Total Guide so for advance user you may skip some part.
1. Winodws 7 DVD
2. Drivers for your model (compaq, Acer etc.)
-Will my xp driver works with 7 - mostly NO
-Will my Vista Drivers work with 7 - mostly YES
3. Use Power, do not use Battery or you will need to restart installation.
1. Setting BIOS
2. Installing Windows 7 Part 1
3. Installing Windows 7 part 2
III: ADVANTAGES (My opinion)
1. Compare to VISTA, it use less RAM (perform faster)
2. Battery Life
3.Direct-x 11(xp limit to direct-x 9)what direct-x for? mostly games performance.
4. New user interface.
5. Without antivirus my PC still safe, even the pendrive affect my XP but not my 7.
1. Not all XP software compatible with 7.
1. Can i install Windows 7?
Check compatibility here
2. RAM?
- recomended min 2GB, best 4GB
I cover what i think important, have any problems just leave your comments.
Category Article Windows 7