Home > 1-user CP > Share your Drivers
Share your Drivers
Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 by Lyndria
As a blogger, I work by myself and now i have post more then 1000 posts about drivers and related.
I create this section because i notice some of you have information that you want to share. I know that to make thing easier i can migrate this blog to a paid hosting website, but with more the 300k page views/month it quite a lot of bandwidth to cover and as the page views increase every year i prefer this blog where there are not server breakdown.
If you have something to share, share here at the comment section below, or if you want to post a driver set, you can compose and mail me at kyo_ajis@yahoo.com
For those who want to share drivers, i prefer you upload the drivers at the mediafire site, i dont prefer direct link from the company website or other website because it will expired sooner or later.
You can share anything not only about drivers, but also about other thing related to laptop
I will moderate the article you submit to me, Thanks.
Category Article 1-user CP